Reader mistake story: How not to overpay for a travel visa

to ensure our customers have access to the necessary travel information and documentation required for travel. While we do offer third-party services to assist customers with obtaining travel visas, these services are optional, and customers are fully responsible for reviewing and agreeing to the terms and conditions of these services before making a purchase. We encourage our customers to carefully read all information provided on our website and partner sites before proceeding with any purchases.Michelle Couch-Friedman, consumer advocateIt was clear that Delta was not going to offer a refund or explanation for the overcharge. The responsibility for not reading the terms and conditions before purchasing the travel visas fell squarely on Raman\’s shoulders, according to the airline, even though the FlyReady portal on the Delta Air Lines website could have been misleading.Following up with Sherpa for an explanationTo get an answer from Sherpa about why Raman was charged $106 per person for the travel visas, I reached out to the company for comment. However, despite multiple attempts to contact Sherpa by phone and email, I was unable to get a response. It seemed as though they were avoiding addressing the issue and taking responsibility for the overcharge.Lack of transparency in the travel visa processThe situation that Raman found himself in highlights a major issue in the travel industry: the lack of transparency in the visa application process. Many travelers, like Raman, are not aware that they can apply for visas directly through government websites at a fraction of the cost of using third-party processors like Sherpa. This lack of awareness can lead to travelers being overcharged for a service that should be relatively inexpensive.In an era where travelers are increasingly booking their trips online, it is essential for airlines and third-party processors to be upfront about the costs and processes involved in obtaining travel visas. Misleading customers by presenting third-party services as official airline offerings can lead to confusion and frustration, as was the case for Raman and his family.Finding a resolution for RamanWhile it was disappointing that neither Delta Air Lines nor Sherpa were willing to provide a refund or explanation for the overcharge, there was still a glimmer of hope for Raman. I suggested that he reach out to his credit card company to see if they could offer any assistance in resolving the issue. Some credit card issuers have policies in place to help customers in situations where they feel they have been overcharged or misled by a merchant.Raman followed my advice and contacted his credit card company to explain the situation. After reviewing the evidence he provided, including screenshots of the FlyReady portal and the New Zealand government\’s visa application page, the credit card company agreed that he had been overcharged and initiated a chargeback for the full amount of $532.50. Raman was relieved to have finally gotten some resolution to the issue and was grateful for the assistance he received from TPG in navigating the process.Lessons learned from Raman\’s experienceRaman\’s experience serves as a cautionary tale for travelers who may be tempted to use third-party visa processors without fully understanding the costs involved. Here are some key takeaways from his story:Always read the terms and conditions: Before making any purchases through third-party processors, be sure to carefully read the terms and conditions to understand the costs involved and what services are being offered.Compare prices: Before applying for a travel visa, take the time to research the costs involved through official government websites. You may be able to save a significant amount of money by applying directly rather than using a third-party processor.Be proactive: If you feel that you have been overcharged or misled by a merchant, don\’t hesitate to reach out to your credit card company for assistance. They may be able to help you resolve the issue and get a refund for any unauthorized charges.Final thoughtsRaman\’s experience with overpriced travel visas serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and due diligence when booking international trips. By taking the time to research the costs involved and understand the terms and conditions of third-party services, travelers can avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. With the right information and guidance, travelers can make informed decisions that will help them make the most of their travel adventures.

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